Gramin Mahila Senior Secondary School, Sikar Rajasthan

Gramin Mahila Senior Secondary School, Sikar Rajasthan Gramin Mahila Senior Secondary School, Sikar Rajasthan Gramin Mahila Senior Secondary School, Sikar Rajasthan Gramin Mahila Senior Secondary School, Sikar Rajasthan

A total girls’ school with well-trained staff. They provide quality education to girls from all age groups. Promotes self-esteem, responsibility, and respect for self as well as others. The students hold the merit position in the area with this school. Best education processes. They provide a library, laboratories, water & electricity and more.


  • Government Funded
  • Focus on Girl’s Education
  • Good facilities
  • The overall growth of the Girls

Positives – Girl’s education in focus
Negatives – Building structure can be good

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